Calvary Community Care opens Mount Waverley head office and interactive showroom

Media Release

Today Calvary Community Care is delighted to announce the opening of their new head office and interactive independence showroom at 551 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley, Victoria.

The interactive independence showroom and resource centre showcases a range of innovative products and telecare solutions designed to support safe independent living. Items are displayed so they can be touched, trialed and demonstrated within a home context. With an emphasis on functionality and practicality, the showroom offers the public an opportunity to view and experience the vast array of living aids available to support their independent lifestyle.

As Cheryl De Zilwa, National Director, Calvary Community Care commented, “often it is the daily tasks like turning a key to open the door or chopping vegetables for dinner that can make living at home challenging. This showroom is designed to demonstrate the simple solutions that enable people to stay in their own homes for longer.”

The Most Reverend Denis Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne, conducted the office opening and blessing. Sister Bernadette Fitzgerald of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, Father Ian Waters, The Honourable John Watkins, Chair of the Little Company of Mary health care board participated in the celebratory blessing attended by Calvary staff.

Cheryl De Zilwa says the occasion marks another significant milestone in the expansion and growth of Calvary Community Care home care services. “Being a Community Service, we are very excited to have the opportunity with our new location to build community connections in the Monash and greater South Eastern region.

“On a broader note, the past year has been one of high activity, sustained growth and accelerated development as we continue to broaden our service delivery to meet the diverse and changing needs of a growing client base.”

Media Enquiries

For interviews, images and more information contact:

Kim Edwards

 03 9271 7368  0477 737 692  [email protected]