Donations, gifts and bequests
How you can help
Donations, no matter how large or small, make a difference. Your generosity enables us to fund valuable research, purchase equipment we otherwise may not afford to buy, and enhance the comfort and care of our patients, residents and clients.
All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.
You can specify exactly where you wish your donation to go to, or simply leave a donation to all Calvary services to be used where needed most.

Leaving a gift to Calvary
Many of our supporters choose to leave a bequest to us in their will.
Areas of benefit include:
general medicine
alcohol and drug services
palliative care
Bequests can also be used to assist with the promotion of positive community attitudes towards the necessity and desire of quality health care.
Your contribution can be a fixed amount or a percentage of your estate. You can nominate to assist in the general provision of our services or your bequest can be directed towards a specific unit, project or type of service.