Calvary Mater Newcastle Auxiliary raises over $275,000 for the hospital

The Newcastle and Hunter community once again rallied around the Calvary Mater Newcastle Auxiliary to support the members’ fundraising efforts with a cheque for $277,370.69 handed to the hospital.
Thanks to Auxiliary members’ steadfast commitment and unrelenting community support, they exceeded last years’ fundraising efforts by more than $44,000 for the 2023-24 financial year.
According to Auxiliary President, Elaine Wellard, the support the Auxiliary receives from the community is pivotal to the group’s success.
“We are so thankful for the large amount of community support we receive. Whether that is members of the community purchasing craft, lollies or raffle tickets from one of our tables at the hospital, a local business fundraising or choosing to support our group through a grant, or the many supporters who donate craft, it all adds up and makes such a difference.”
Craft items, such as knitted blankets donated by community members, raised more than $46,000, while the popular lolly tables at the Mater brought in over $39,000. Grants totaled $25,000, raffles fetched over $7,000, while housie at Beresfield Bowling Club raised over $54,000. Providing catering for Bowling Days totaled over $39,000, while community functions put on throughout the year brought in over $22,000.
Calvary Mater Newcastle’s Acting General Manager, Nicole Feenan, commended members of the Auxiliary for their commitment throughout the year.
“The commitment our Auxiliary member’s show to the Mater is unwavering. This year’s result is a testament to their loyalty and dedication to fundraising,” she said.
“On behalf of Calvary Mater Newcastle, I would like to thank and congratulate the Auxiliary for this incredible outcome.”
“Calvary Mater Newcastle would not be the same without this special group of people being part of our Mater community. I thank them wholeheartedly for their continued support.”
Over the past year, the Auxiliary has bought equipment valued at $147,316.96, including:
a scalp cooling machine
two para robot seals
two low profile beds
a sub-epidermal moisture scanner
walkers and forearm support frames
lymphodema garments
a makeover of the Intensive Care Unit family waiting room
equipment for the Oncology Equipment Loan Pool
contributions towards head and neck cancer prosthetics, and
weekly flowers for the Mary Potter Chapel.
The Auxiliary has 29 members ranging in age from 60 to 97, who have worked 15,201 hours. This equates to each member working about 524 hours, raising an average of $9,564 each this financial year.