A Principle Based Model of Care

The PEARS Model of Care shares the Calvary pear tree symbolism.  For Calvary, the pear tree is a symbol of our commitment to continue the mission and vision of Mary Potter by being a source of hope, healing and nurturing to the people and communities we serve.  The pear tree is based on the original drawing by Marie Angel, great-niece of our founder, the Venerable Mary Potter.

The PEARS Model, a principles-based approach that outlines the vision for aged care at Calvary, the commitment to high quality care that is person-centred but which goes beyond this to a recognition of the Personhood of our residents, clients and patients.  Each domain in the PEARS Model has a corresponding set of principles and outcome measures, along with possible operational models to deliver on the principles.

The overarching domain is Personhood which must inform the approach in all other domains:

Personhood includes:

  • Person and family centred care
  • Choice and Control
  • Respect and Dignity
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Spirituality


The environment in which care is provided plays a significant role through:

  • Familiar and/or home-like setting
  • Access to outdoor areas and connection to nature
  • Space for personal belongings
  • Safe surroundings
  • Clear wayfinding


Activity encompasses:

    • Meaningful activities
    • Physical activity
    • Quality dining experience
    • Risk and participation is balanced


Relationships are supported by:

  • Social inclusion
  • Care and compassion
  • Families and friends are welcome
  • Community linkages
  • Personal connections


Safe Care includes:

  • Efficient, effective, appropriate, timely and accessible care
  • Prevention and proactive management of responsive behaviours
  • Best practice nutrition and hydration care
  • Quality use of medicines
  • Quality approach to palliative care