Clinical Safety and Quality Indicators

At Calvary St Vincent’s Hospital, we take quality and safety seriously. We also support a culture of openness and transparency to foster positive partnerships with our consumers. To provide transparency, we are pleased to publish hospital quality and safety data alongside the Australian Commission in Safety and Quality in Healthcare benchmarks.

We take falls prevention seriously

We will conduct a risk screen on arrival and will develop a personalised fall prevention plan to reduce the chances of any falls. Please make sure you come to our facility with properly fitted shoes with a non-slip sole.

St Vincent's is below the industry benchmark for falls with serious injury

St Vincent’s Hospital had one fall in Q2 that resulted in serious injury.

What does this mean?

A lower number means fewer falls, we aim to have the lowest number and be under the industry benchmark. The number of falls is divided by the number of people who have been sent home from our facility. Doing this allows us to compare with industry.

We take infections seriously

Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) are the most common complication for hospitalised patients in Australia. We monitor and report HAIs to identify and minimise risks to our patients, families and staff. Infections will always be a potential risk but many are preventable with careful attention to infection control practices.

St Vincent's is below industry benchmark for Healthcare Associated Infections Rate

St Vincent’s Hospital is below industry benchmark.

What does this mean?

A lower number means fewer infections, we aim to have the lowest number and be under the industry benchmark. The number of infections is divided by the number of people who have been sent home from our facility. Doing this allows us to compare with industry.

We take injuries seriously

We conduct a risk screen on arrival and develop a personalised pressure injury prevention plan to recuce the risk of the development of pressure injuries. Please make sure you are as mobile as possible during your stay in hospsital as this helps to prevent pressure areas.

St Vincent's is below industry benchmark for pressure injuries

St Vincent’s Hospital is below industry benchmark.

What does this mean?

A lower number means fewer injuries, we aim to have the lowest number and be under the industry benchmark. The number of injuries is divided by the number of people who have been sent home from our facility. Doing this allows us to compare with industry.

Annual average net promoter score for this hospital is 88%

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Calvary National Data

At Calvary, the quality and safety of your health care is our priority. Each year, Calvary publishes data that measures our quality and safety against industry and government targets.

To provide you with information about our performance, Calvary publishes data that measures the quality and safety of our 15 hospitals.

    View National Clinical Safety and Quality Indicators