COVID-19 – Information and Guidance for Bethlehem staff – full resource page for edit

This page has been created to assist all Bethlehem staff with the most current information about COVID-19 and what to do to keep themselves, patients and other staff members safe.

It will also help staff identify the pathways open for straightforward identification of COVID and the processes to follow in the event of infection and what to do in response to different levels of exposure.

Covid visitor Restrictions – have now been removed. There is currently no limit to the number of visitors allowed to visit a patient on St Teresa’s Ward or the clinic at the one time.

Staff are reminded that you must wear at least a surgical mask when patient facing.

Please read the attached requirements to ensure you are wearing the correct mask.

Current Mask Requirements – Access information here

COVID-19 Self Testing at Bethlehem

We are pleased to announce that we have now set up our COVID-19 Self Testing Service for Symptomatic Staff in the C1 carpark here at Calvary Kooyong. Please see the attached document for details. As it is now harder to find PCR swabs in the general community and as we still require a negative PCR swab before symptomatic staff are allowed on site, we have made sure that all staff can access PCR testing on site if needed.

Process for PCR staff self-testing service in C1 

Safe Food Sharing

Just a reminder to practice safe food sharing.  Wherever possible, shared items should be individually portioned i.e. cake that is cut and then served as an individual portion on an individual plate.  Items difficult to portion, such as chips, unwrapped lollies, nuts, dips, unwrapped biscuits, etc. should be served onto an individual plate with a spoon/scoop/tongs.  Blocks of chocolate should be broken up into pieces while wearing gloves then served with a spoon. For more information on Safe food handling here a link to the Safe Food Handling online course:


What you need to know about your 5th Booster – Access information here 


The page will also help you with:


Covid visitor booking

Visitor limits

Restrictions are in place to keep everyone safe.

Covid temperature check

Screening station

Before entering, complete health screening questions, temperature check and provide contact details.

Covid visitor faqs


How to use the health screening station when you arrive.



Visitor limits

Per requirements of the current Hospital Visitor Directions in Victoria, visitors are required to complete screening and attestation process for contact tracing purposes and to ensure we are not allowing entry to any visitors who may pose a risk to our patients, staff and other visitors to our service.


As a condition of entry, visitors must:

  • Not visit if you are unwell or meet any of the criteria below that would prohibit your entry to the facility
  • Be screened for signs of COVID-19 on entry and answer the screening questions set out below before proceeding to the ward or clinic reception
  • Register your details in the visitor screening station and wear the provided sticker after passing screening, which must be visible to staff at all times
  • ALL Visitors to Bethlehem are required to wear an N95 mask in place of a surgical mask, supplied by CHCB.
    • All adult visitors aged 18 years or older must wear an N95 mask

    Questions visitors are required to answer on entry:

      1. Do you feel unwell or have a fever (Temp >37.5 degrees) or signs of fever (e.g. night sweats, chills)?
      2. Do you have, or have you had over the past 14 days, any respiratory symptoms (e.g. shortness of breath, cough, sore throat, and runny nose, cold/flu like symptoms, body aches, tiredness, and loss of smell or taste)?
      3. Have you had contact with a person with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
      4. Have you visited, or arrived here from, an area of high or medium COVID risk (please note that this includes all Victorian and interstate Exposure sites); or worked or volunteered in a hotel quarantine site in the past 14 days?
      5. Have you been tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days and had either a positive result or are still waiting on the test result?
      6. I have been a resident in hotel quarantine in the last 7 days, and I DO NOT have evidence of a negative COVID-19 test 7 days post leaving hotel quarantine?


    If you answer YES to any of the above questions, visiting is not to be permitted.

    St Teresa’s

    For patients who are in the terminal phase of care or deteriorating rapidly;  2 visitors at any time; with allowances for individual family needs managed by exception and in charge nurse approval

    All other patients 2 visitors at a time and no more than 2 visitors per day for approved ‘special purpose’ visits


    Clinic or other on-site appointments

    Limit of one carer/support person with the patient at any one time

    • Limit of two (2) carer/support person with the patient at any one time; exceptions may be granted by prior arrangement with the relevant staff for your appointment
    • Visits with a patient taking place outside must be pre-arranged with the nurse in charge
    • All visitors intending to be present at a visit with a patient taking place outside, must enter and complete the screening and registration process prior to the visit commencing, a limit of two (2) at any one time
    • Due to vulnerability of our patients, visitors outside are requested to maintain physical distancing requirements and wear a mask for the duration of the visit

    Day leave may be possible through prior arrangement, please discuss with the nurse in charge.

    Visiting hours at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem are from 8am – 8pm.

    We encourage you to use technology to stay connected with other family and friends, if you require assistance with this, please speak to our staff who will be able to assist you through our ‘Staying Connected’ Program.

    If you are worried, please talk with the nurse in charge.  We are here to care for you and your family.


    Health screen

    To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, everyone must complete a health-screen before entering a Calvary facility.

    Screening station

    Screening stations will be positioned at the main entrance points.

    The screening stations help us maintain the required standards relating to COVID-19, including:

    • Temperature check
    • COVID-19 screening questions
    • Providing contact details

    We are required to record your entry time and phone contact details, should they be needed for contact tracing purposes.

    COVID-19 Screening Station

    A visitor cannot visit if they have been diagnosed with coronavirus and not yet discharged from isolation; have arrived in Australia within 14 days of the planned visit; in the 14 days preceding the visit had known contact with a person diagnosed with coronavirus; have a temperature over 37.5 degrees or symptoms of acute respiratory infection.

      Safe entry

      Once the health screening is complete, visitors proceed to reception to receive a visitor entry sticker.

      • Sticker must be visible
      • Face mask must be worn
      • 1.5m physical distance at all times
      • Limit of 1 household/day
      • Maximum 2 hr visit

      The screening sticker includes the time and date of entry, and must be visible to staff at all times.

      Please discuss your situation with us if you have any concerns regarding your particular needs.

      Visitor restrictions and screening requirements extend to visits taking place anywhere on site, including public spaces outside. A breach of these restrictions may put you, other vulnerable patients or our staff at risk.

      Thank you for your understanding.



      Visitors to clinic will need to present and the main reception desk after having their temperature before being signed in and allowed to progress to their appointments.


      Frequently asked questions about the Calvary entry screening process.

      All entrants to Calvary facilities are required to have their temperature checked and will be asked a series of COVID-19 related questions.

      Calvary is committed to minimising the potential risk of COVID-19 transmission and maintaining a safe environment for all employees, visitors, patients and residents entering and moving within our services.

      When arriving at a Calvary facility you will be asked to sanitise your hands at a station located at the entry point.

      Once your hands have been sanitised you can move forward to a screening station and follow the prompts.

      Visitors to any of Calvary’s four trial sites will be required to present to a screening station to have their temperature taken.

      Once your temperature check has been completed the screening station will ask for the purpose of your visit, your mobile phone number and name for contract tracing purposes.

      The screening station will then ask a series of COVID-19 related questions.

      You will then be asked to declare that your responses are accurate before you can move away from the screening station.

      You will receive an SMS confirmation and be asked to proceed to Reception for a screening sticker.

      This sticker indicates to Calvary staff that you have been screened and can move around the facility.

      If you present to a screening station and you have a temperature equal to or greater than 37.5 degrees Celsius you will be instructed to leave the facility and call Reception for further instruction.

      Please do not enter the facility if you record a temperature of equal to or greater than 37.5 degrees Celsius.

      If you have completed the screening process but not received an SMS confirmation, proceed to Reception and provide your name and phone number so a Calvary staff member can validate your entry and provide you with a screening sticker.

      You will be able to use a landline number instead of a mobile phone number.

      In this scenario you will be asked to present to Reception and provide your name and phone number so a Calvary staff member can validate your entry and provide you with a screening sticker.

      Under current COVID-19 Pandemic requirements, Calvary is required to retain information related to entrant screening, date and time of entry, and contact details of entrants for the purposes of contact tracing.

      All data collected during the screening process is secured by Calvary and its partner, Rate It Australia Pty Ltd (Zipline).

      The tablet used to conduct the screening process does not hold any data, all data is secured on Zipline’s Australian based servers.

      The screening stations are cleaned a minimum of twice per day with an increased cleaning frequency during high use periods.

      Calvary staff will be available to assist you in completing the screening process.

      Please ask for assistance if you require it.

      Further information about COVID-19

      For all Calvary COVID-19 updates visit

       DHS Victoria

       Australian Government Department of Health