Bethlehem Consumer Register
Staying connected with consumers
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem are committed to obtaining feedback from consumers in order to develop quality service improvements for our patients and their carers. We will do this by including representatives from across our diverse community so that members of that community can contribute to developing better processes, patient care and carer support within our organisation. If you have difficulty answering any of the questions or would like to add something you can request a call back in the form below.
If you are interested please consider submitting an Expression of Interest to become a consumer representative with us.
Bethlehem consumer representatives have roles on key governance committees including the Executive Quality, Safety and Risk Committee and Clinical Practice Governance Committee, in addition to key working parties.
They can also be called on to:
- Provide feedback and opinions on Bethlehem projects, for example on a focus group
- Give input on our publications to ensure provision of information is clear and helpful
- Comment on draft policies or procedures
- Participate in surveys or interviews
If you are interested in adding your voice and experience to help us improve the work we do and the care outcomes for our patients, we would love to hear from you.
To register your interest, please fill out the form below, or if you have some immediate feedback or suggestions you would like to provide to us click here.
If you would like help filling out the form please call us on 9834 9480.
Your Privacy is important to us – to find out more about your privacy go here
If you would like to provide immediate feedback on any part of our service you can do that here. (This might be an issue of concern that you would like addressed or a compliment that you would like to pass on to a service area)
Consumer Register - Expression of Interest