Calvary Hobart Engineering – Register to be onsite


Contractor Company Registrations

Inductions for Contractors, Visitors (Official Duty) and Volunteers


Welcome to Calvary Hobart, Tasmania (CHCT). Please follow the links to do the relevant Induction and/or Company registration.

All inductions should be done prior to coming onto our sites.

  • For contractors – your company registrations must also be fully completed prior to starting any works.

Once inducted you can print off the registration QR Code which must always be on you in person when you are on our sites. We will issue you with a soft pouch and lanyard for the induction card.


You will be required to use your mobile device and scan a location SIGN IN/OUT QR Code.


If you have any enquiries on these processes, please contact us as per below

[email protected]           03 6278  5494