Michael de Haas, Support Worker, Adelaide Service Centre
Michael was working with another service provider when someone suggested he consider working with Calvary and so that was that – he joined the organisation nine years ago. Although previously unaware that Calvary was a Catholic organisation, he was delighted to find it such a good fit for his personal values and beliefs. As for many Adelaide people, Michael’s life began in Calvary North Adelaide Hospital. He is intrigued that his life’s journey has returned him to Calvary where the heritage of Mary Potter and the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary resonate strongly with him. The annual Mary Potter celebrations are a very special part of each year, he said.
Michael’s experience in supporting people living with a disability was valued in the Adelaide region with significant clients with complex care requirements. One of his earliest clients was Ben a young man with a great sense of humour and a determination to live as independently as possible.
Michael’s hours grew with staff turnover across the years and he has always had sufficient work. Another client that stands out is Gus who loves to play his keyboard singing a variety of songs – something that Michael loves to join in with Gus and his friends, before putting Gus to bed.
Michael has taken an interest in Mary Potter and the heritage of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary and feels that this has inspired his work. He strives to continuously improve in order to make the biggest difference for his clients, recognising the importance of listening attentively to value and respect each client.
Michael recalls how welcome he was made to feel when he joined Calvary. He particularly remembers the person who interviewed him and did his orientation. In embracing the values, Michael shows this same consideration and respect to each of his clients. He relishes the opportunity to make a difference in our special way of ‘being for others’.