Jessica Egan-Richards – Student Midwife
23rd September 2024
Calvary John James’ student midwife Jessica Egan-Richards recently commenced studying for her midwifery degree.
Jessica, has now been studying midwifery for two months at Calvary John James Maternity. From a young age, Jessica always had an interest in nursing, as well as midwifery, so it’s unsurprising she ended up in the perfect job for her.
“I’m so happy to be learning from all of the experiences and skills that are here. I’ve always been interested in nursing and midwifery, and here I am,” Jessica said.
While only eight weeks in as a student midwife, Jessica absolutely loves her role and is looking forward to becoming a registered midwife.
“I’m very early in the program, but I recently started in the birthing suites and I’m really looking forward to being part of the labour journey for the women in our care. Exciting times ahead,” Jessica said.