Kristen Russell

Today the world at large, looks at medical workers as an inspiration. What inspired you to take up this noble profession?

I started my career in the corporate world and found that I just wasn’t receiving the rewards that I needed, there was always something missing. I realised that I needed to be helping people. My mother was a nurse and so the stage was set. I have never looked back.

Nursing and midwifery is a selfless job, working long and odd hours. How do you balance work and family? How do you de-stress?

I love being a Mother and a Nurse but it’s definitely a juggling act when small children come into the picture. I try to remain focused and engaged in the job I am doing at the time, be that at home or at work. How do you de-stress? I run!

Given the current situation with COVID-19, do you have any stories of ingenuity, support, compassion and kindness?

When my mother heard of the shortage of PPE, she offered to sew me a face mask 😉 “with pleats”!
Bless her (I gently discouraged this).
I think the community has rallied through this crisis and there are lots of small acts of kindness going on around us. A couple of my close friends have elderly neighbours whom they do grocery shopping for which is a small thing for them but a great help to their elderly neighbours.

What is your advice to the younger generation who would like to pursue a career in nursing/midwifery?

Nursing is a wonderful profession where you get to be yourself and give back to those in need. It is one of the most flexible professions and will stand you in good stead for wherever life may take you!