Contact us

Calvary Assist

We have a long history of supporting our residents as they take the journey into aged care – and we know there’s a lot of questions.

Our customer service team are passionate and caring team members who have a wealth of experience and will assist you on every step of your journey. From enquiring about homes in your area to providing assistance and guidance in understanding the aged care journey, our Calvary Assist team is here to help.

Call Calvary Assist

1800 52 72 72
Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm


Feedback and enquiries

If you’d like further information on one of our aged care services, or would like to provide feedback to our team, please complete the form below:

Melbourne Head Office

Calvary Healthcare
Level 49/80 Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000
PO Box 16082
Collins Street West Vic 8007
Phone: +61 3 9649 2100

Media Enquiries
For all media enquiries, please call 1300 450 108