Celebrating 80 years and our 300th Open Heart surgery patient
Hugh is pictured above with Neuro/CT staff members Maharjan Rahisha, Sam Preshaw, Maddie Temple and acting Nurse Unit Manager Sarah Goss
It is 80 years this month since Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital opened in 1940, in the decade which began with the Great Depression and ended with the anxieties of World War Two, a demanding time to commence a hospital.
Fast forward to 2020 and Calvary continues to serve our communities with compassionate care and state of the art facilities including an intraoperative CT scanner and 3 surgical robotic devices. Calvary also opened the first and only private cardiothoracic theatre in Tasmania in 2018.
Our 300th open heart surgery patient, Mr Hugh Ross (79) of Relbia in Northern Tasmania, was admitted within three weeks of his recent diagnosis.
Mr Ross underwent coronary bypass surgery here in Hobart, a service available to Tasmanian private health patients since 2018 via a partnership between Calvary Hobart and local surgeons from HeaLS Tasmania.
Mr Ross is recovering well and now in rehabilitation closer to home at Calvary Launceston.
Mr Ross said “I am so grateful that Calvary provides this service right here in Tasmania.
“My time here at Calvary Hobart over the past two weeks has been nothing but positive. A triple bypass with valve replacement is certainly not the most comfortable of procedures, but the medical teams here could not have given me better care and attention.
“I am talking about all staff – from the kitchen hands right through to my surgeon and their wonderful support teams. They do such incredible work. I am very much looking forward to returning home in the next few days with a much improved quality of life following this life saving surgery.”
To celebrate their 80th Anniversary and the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, Calvary Hobart’s Lenah Valley and Calvary St John’s hospitals are illuminated each night through till December 15th in an amazing blue glow.
For more information about cardiac services and cardiac surgery: