One Plus – Graduate Transition Program

One plus is Calvary Health Care’s transition to professional practice program for outstanding nurses. The program runs for one year and opens the door to exciting career opportunities.

The program

One plus offers flexibility, choices and opportunities. We’re looking for the best graduate enrolled nurses in the country to join our team and we’ll give you the best first-year development program in return.

With positions available at Calvary hospitals in ACT, NSW, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria, Calvary Health Care offers you a fantastic nursing experience in a wide range of clinical areas.

All hospitals are certified to ISO 9001:2008 and certified against National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. They have the capacity to provide comprehensive care to public or private patients. Calvary Hospitals are recognised as centres of excellence in surgery, medicine, palliative care and acute rehabilitation services.

Calvary Health Care is a Catholic not-for-profit organisation, Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, a values based organisation.

One plus will:

  • Identify your learning needs
  • Consolidate and apply your clinical knowledge and skills
  • Develop your confidence and competence as a newly registered nurse
  • Support you to work as an effective member of a multi-disciplinary team
  • Encourage you to develop advanced, critical thinking processes

One plus offers a variety of settings with ongoing education, feedback and assessments. This means you’ll have the confidence of knowing your clinical and professional skills are meeting industry standards.

In your first year it’s important that you gain confidence and achieve your goals. For this reason, one plus uses a practical approach to ensure your knowledge and skills are continuously improved.

We offer a variety of clinical settings to prepare you for the challenges of nursing. The program also includes regular education sessions and a comprehensive professional development program.

You’ll be encouraged to analyse and question your knowledge of nursing practice and you’ll be supported to undertake a best practice and quality improvement project.

The one plus Enrolled Nurse program is respected in the health care industry as a top program for outstanding graduate nurses.

In addition, one plus provide graduates with:

  • Comprehensive orientation program
  • Preceptors
  • Paid study sessions
  • Regular debriefing sessions – group and one-on-one
  • Access to senior support staff
  • Learning and Development Coordinator who puts you first

We want you to reach your full potential. That’s why one plus offers a variety of clinical rotations, as well as ongoing mentoring, so you’ll always feel supported.

One plus provides a friendly, flexible work environment where you are encouraged to develop your practical nursing skills. You’ll also have access to a variety of clinical placements in surgical and medical specialty areas and rehabilitation.

One plus offers excellent mentoring, including preceptorship and a comprehension orientation.

At Calvary Health Care we believe the process of learning is continuous and that everyone should be given the opportunity to grow and develop. For this reason, we make sure we provide you with self-directed learning packages and practical competency assessments.

The one plus Learning and Development Coordinator is approachable and focused on your needs:

  • Your program will be tailored to your individual requirements
  • You’ll be regularly visited on your ward to make sure you feel supported
  • You’ll be mentored by experienced and friendly nurses
  • Nursing staff will be available at all times to answer your queries

It’s really important that you balance your career with the life you want to lead. Calvary Health Care Adelaide offers competitive pay and conditions, and an ethos of respect.

Calvary Health Care is a flexible employer who values your commitment, and we’ll happily negotiate flexible working hours within a 24 hr / 7 day week rotation and request-driven rosters.

At Calvary Health Care we offer you:

  • Competitive pay and conditions
  • Employee assistance programs
  • Flexible banking payments
  • Opportunities to work around Australia
  • Online Learning Management System
  • Corporate rate for health insurance
  • Enjoyable social event
  • Salary Sacrifice Benefits
  • An ethos of respect
  • Corporate rate for EFM gym membership

When you successfully complete one plus, you’ll have the opportunity to take up permanent employment at Calvary Health Care and the opportunity to move into a specialty area.

Calvary Hospital’s specialties include cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, orthopaedics, neurosurgery, general surgery, Emergency Services, ICU / IDU, Angiography, general surgery, oncology, palliative care, women’s health, urology, ENT, maternity, ICU / HDU, general medical, orthopaedic, cardiac, multi trauma, neurological and reconditioning programs.

Calvary Health Care, founded by the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, is a national group working towards Best Practice.

So, with your one plus graduate program completed, you will have the opportunity to explore all specialties provided by Calvary Health Care.

One plus, prepares you to take the next step in your nursing career.


All one plus applicants must:

  • Be registered with AHPRA as their designation (RN, RM, EN) before commencing the program
  • Be an Australian or New Zealand Citizen, Permanent Resident, or be able to work permanently in Australia.
  • Hold successful completion of a Diploma of Nursing (EN), or a tertiary level qualification (RN, RM)
  • Able to undertake 12 months of part-time to full time employment over a 24 hour / 7 day roster.
  • Willing to embrace the core values of Little Company of Mary, being Hospitality, Healing, Stewardship and Respect.


How to apply

The one plus graduate nurse program recruits Registered Nurses, Midwives and Enrolled Nurses. We hold two intakes per year In January and May. Applications are open mid-year for our following January intake, and in February for our following May intake.

Applications are completed online via Calvary Careers, through the link below.



Applications are online via Calvary Careers.



For any personal enquiries, please email the GNTP Coordinators.

 [email protected]

Peri Stevens – RN GNP


Nicole Young – RN GNP


Marissa Fiacchi – EN GNP


Kristy Stapleton – RN GNP


Dora Talbot – EN GNP


Emma Kilpatrick – RN GNP


Kathryn Yates – RN GNP


More information

At Calvary Health Care South Australia, we recognise that a comprehensive Orientation to your new workplace is paramount in ensuring that you are able to perform your role as a member of the nursing staff division effectively.

This is why Calvary Health Care South Australia provide their graduate nurses with 3 days of Orientation. You spend these in face to face sessions with your fellow GNTPs led by your educators. During this time you will undertake a regional orientation to the organisation, a GNTP orientation to the program and a site specific orientation to best prepare you for each aspect of working within the GNTP of our Private Hospitals. It will also allow you time to meet and form connections with your fellow graduates and the staff supporting you throughout the program.

After the orientation is finished, you will begin your supernumerary shifts in your clinical area where you will continue to be supported by the educators and clinical staff.

The Make a Difference program was born from a simple idea, that over the years has grown and matured so that it is now part of the fabric of the one plus graduate nurse program at Calvary Health Care South Australia (CHCSA).

In the spirit of the Mission of Calvary in ‘being for others’, the CHCSA GNTP includes fundraising activities and creating awareness of local charities and organisations that emulate the same sentiment of our mission. Each site’s cohort of graduates work together to complete each activity from start to finish, all whilst sharing with the community about the great work our chosen charity does.

The Making a Difference Project has grown into what it is today because of the dedication and hard work that the CHCSA graduate nurses have afforded it each year.

Calvary Health Care South Australia Graduate Transition Program Graduation

Each year Calvary Health Care South Australia holds a graduate transition program graduation event to celebrate the successes of the graduate nurses and midwives who have satisfactorily completed the one plus graduate program.

Due to the health care landscape over the past few years, this celebration has looked different each year; however, the main aim is to allow you to celebrate your success and receive a formal certificate of completion as well as a Calvary Graduate pin.


peri-stevensWhy did I choose Calvary to complete my GNP?

I chose Calvary because it had a very personal and very caring feel to the hospital setting. I was fortunate enough to complete my University practicals at various Calvary sites and felt that they were very supportive and provided an environment that would support my personal and professional growth as a Registered Nurse.

What did I enjoy most about the Calvary GNP?

My GNP year offered me the opportunity to expand on my nursing clinical skills as well as offering fantastic support by nursing staff and from the Learning and Development team. The in-service program was beneficial and supported my learning goals.

How has Calvary assisted you in your career journey?

Calvary has provided further training opportunities and have supported my interest in working in both an acute setting and a sub-acute setting. They have seen and supported my potential as a qualified and skilled Registered Nurse.

What am I doing now professionally?

I am now working between two Calvary sites, Calvary Wakefield and Calvary Rehabilitation and the support from team members in pursing my career goals is prodigious.

photo of Nicole Young_r2_c2I commenced my GNP year in 2015.

I chose to complete my GNP at Calvary Central Districts because it provided the community with a vast range of services including 4 operating theatres with day surgery and longer surgical care capabilities, a Chemotherapy unit, medical and palliative care which I thought would be great experience as a newly graduated Registered Nurse. It is also the only private hospital in the Northern Suburbs of Adelaide, and coming from the Barossa Valley it provided a shorter commute rather than the other Hospitals that are closer to the CBD.

I thought the programme gave me much experience in Surgical, Medical and Palliative care ward nursing.  The practical experience throughout the year built on my knowledge throughout my University studies and taught me to be a more confident Nurse who was able to use and trust her clinical judgement while being supported by the other staff on the ward. I also am thankful that I was given the opportunity to support Patients and their families at a time of need in their life.

The confidence I gained from the GNP year enabled me to take on another challenge and to gain experience in a different aspect of nursing. I am now working as an anaesthetic nurse in the theatre suites with the support of the Central District Hospital.


Marissa Fiacchi 3_r2_c2In a life time we will all experience various levels of nursing care, be it as a patient, a family member, an employee or a spectator. It was my goal as a newly qualified nurse to find a place that had a passion and a vision to not only provide great nursing care but excellent nursing care, and a hospital that was committed to their patients. This is the very reason I applied for a Graduate Nursing program with Calvary Wakefield Hospital.

It was Calvary’s commitment to their patients, staff and doctors that proved to be so enticing, I wanted to wear their uniform with pride and be part of their team. I have been absolutely honoured to be part of the Calvary Graduate Nursing Program (GNP). I truly believe their support and continuing education was vital in assisting me through my first year of nursing post study and enabling me to become the nurse I am today.

Stepping away from the books and into the world of nursing can be scary, you are no longer dealing with hypothetical situations, stimulation rooms or case studies; as a qualified nurse you are dealing with real people, their families and interacting with a multi-disciplinary team. But being part of a graduate nurse program means you are not alone…throughout the year you build lasting relationships with fellow first year nurses and clinical educators. It is this support, guidance and education you receive from fellow staff members that assists in making the transition from student to graduate nurse a smooth one.

I am absolutely delighted and honoured to be working with such an organisation since completing my post graduate year. At Calvary you feel like part of the family, I love coming to work, I am passionate about my patients, I cherish the relationships I have developed over the years and I will be forever grateful for completing my graduate year with Calvary Wakefield Hospital.

Kristy Stapleton photo_r2_c2I completed my GNP in 2013.  I chose Calvary because the programme seemed great in terms of benefiting me as a young professional and not just a nurse due to the extra requirements.

The One + programme was a challenging but great experience. I learnt so much from the clinical staff, the education sessions with all CHCA RN Grad’s, the fundraisers for LCM in East Timor, the auditing of the standards. I made some life-long friends in fellow graduate nurses as we all supported each other immensely. Our coordinator was a fantastic support too, pushing us clinically and professionally, but also being a shoulder to cry on in our time of need. 3 years later, I am now working as a Clinical Facilitator and Calvary’s Central Districts Hospital. Through my experience working on the wards at North Adelaide, I was able to identify my passion to educate and support undergraduate nurses and here I am now! I absolutely love it.


Dora photo_r2_c2I chose Calvary to do my GNP as I was already working for the company and enjoyed it so much I wanted to stay.

I really enjoyed the patient contact during my GNP and being well supported by all staff on an ongoing basis.

Calvary assisted me by giving me the opportunity to start my new career. I am now working as an EN at Calvary Rehab.

Emma KilpatrickMy name is Emma and completed the One + graduate program at the Calvary North Adelaide Hospital (CNAH) in 2015; and I have recently accepted a full time position in the recovery department. My decision to take up a position with CNAH came after completing a third year placement in oncology. During my undergraduate placement I was met with a very welcoming, professional and compassionate environment that made me want to return. Along with my positive experience, I admired the hospitals mission of ‘being for others’ and was also enticed by the opportunity of a comprehensive graduate program.

The One + program was an excellent learning opportunity. I had two clinical rotations, one in Recovery and the other in the oncology ward St Helens. This allowed me to experience different aspects of nursing, whilst attending regular education sessions to build my nursing skills. The clinical educators and my preceptors were all very knowledgeable, supportive and always willing impart their knowledge. My graduate year has assisted me in gaining full time employment and has helped to launch my career at Calvary.

kathryn yates_r2_c2Calvary Wakefield Hospital was my first choice to complete my Graduate Nursing Program (GNP). The Hospital’s One Plus Graduate Program offered a personalised nursing experience in a wide range of clinical areas, it has allowed me to reach a higher potential in a supportive environment. Further advantages I received by choosing Calvary Wakefield Hospital were permanent employment and gaining experience working in specialty areas.

The One Plus Graduate Program During has offered me support, on-going mentoring and education sessions in a productive work environment. It assisted me greatly in my transition from student to practicing registered nurse.

On completing my GNP, Calvary Wakefield Hospital provided the opportunity to work in Recovery where as part of a multi-disciplinary team I was provided the opportunity to utilise the skills that the One Plus Graduate Nurse Program had provided me with.

While I enjoy nursing as a whole I have a personal interest in working in anaesthetics and recovery. Calvary Wakefield Hospital not only continues to offer development in these fields but the ability to diversify my nursing experience.