
The overarching domain of the PEARS Model is Personhood which must inform the approach in all other domains.

There a five principles that form the Personhood domain:

Person and family centred care

A person and family centred approach to care is adopted, where each person and their family members are respected as individuals.


Patient and family centred care acknowledges patients, clients, residents and their carers as experts in their lives and in their health.

Choice and Control

Patients, residents, and clients are empowered with information to assist decision making, provided with choice, and encouraged to participate in decision making and co-design

Patients, residents, and clients make decisions about their own care and the way care and services are delivered and received.

Respect and Dignity

Patients, residents and clients are treated with dignity and respect.

Privacy and confidentiality is respected for all patients, residents and clients.

Diversity and Inclusion

Patients, clients and residents are treated with dignity and respect, and identity, culture and diversity is valued and included in care decisions.

Cultural safety for First Nations elders is a priority.


A patient, resident or clients’ individual spiritual needs will be personal to them and will be respected and addressed.

Monitoring: Evidence and Measures

The key tools used to monitor are:

  • National Aged Care Quality Standard 1
  • National Aged Care Quality Standard 4 (3) (b)
  • NPS Score (NPS stands for Net Promoter Score which is a metric used in customer experience programs)
  • Residents say they are treated with dignity and respect at all times.